Search Tools

Submissions are sought for this year's conference scheduled to take place on 30-31 May in London.

Posted 12 January 2012

Google continues to streamline its services in bid to improve the user experience.

Posted 23 November 2011

Phil Bradley looks forward to his presentation at Internet Librarian International 2011. He just can't tell us anything about it yet!

Posted 01 September 2011

Tech giant offers to pay £7bn for search specialist Autonomy.

Posted 20 August 2011

Google has been offered an out of court settlement in Belgium after Street View cars 'breached data privacy'.

Posted 18 August 2011

Google continues to 'priortise product efforts' in a Google Plus world.

Posted 21 July 2011

The inaugural Enterprise Search Europe conference takes place in London in October and features insight and expertise from global enterprise search experts.

Posted 08 July 2011

Research highlights the most popular Google tools used in Competitive Intelligence and suggests that practitioners might be unaware of the range of tools available.

Posted 10 June 2011

Shares in Russia's leading search engine surge in first day of trading.

Posted 25 May 2011

Recent developments in the development of social search focus on better decision making and trusted networks.

Posted 24 May 2011

Semantic search will help identify multiple concepts within single search queries.

Posted 15 April 2011

Autonomy's new search technology Aurasma embeds images and videos onto images of 'real objects'.

Posted 15 April 2011

Hervé Basset, independent consultant and author of the Science Intelligence blog, recommends EasyBib.

Posted 15 April 2011

New conference will focus on practical aspects of enterprise search in Europe.

Posted 07 April 2011

Google found guilty of 'defamation' against Italian businessman.

Posted 07 April 2011

Informed bewilderment, destructive creativity, filter failure and discovery deficit are some of the buzzwords emerging from day one of UKSG 2011.

Posted 04 April 2011

Information Today publishes a range of journals, newsletters, books and blogs in the information space, including a wealth of online content. Here we bring you recent highlights that you may have missed first time round.

Posted 16 March 2011

Information Today also publishes a range of journals, newsletters, books and blogs in the information space, including a wealth of online content. In this article, we bring you recent highlights that you may have missed first time round.

Posted 04 February 2011

The information industry will focus on 'mobile' and 'social' in 2011.

Posted 18 January 2011

Up to 600 jobs lost at Yahoo

Posted 17 December 2010

What does 2011 hold for the development of search tools?

Posted 15 December 2010

Due to its end of year scheduling, 'Online' presents opportunities to 'pause and reflect' and to consider where future trends are leading us.

Posted 08 December 2010

If we don't understand how users are looking for and using information, how can we hope to meet user expectations?

Posted 06 December 2010

Search experts share tips, tricks and techniques

Posted 01 December 2010

'Instant Previews' provides a graphic overview of search results; 'Refine' is 'a power tool for data wranglers'

Posted 16 November 2010
