Special Libraries

International is not in the official name of the ALA's annual conference, held this year in San Diego, California, at the end of June, but it has a strong international component and many delegates from outside the USA.

Posted 06 August 2024

In a groundbreaking move, augmented reality technology will be incorporated into Karger's scientific journal, offering authors new options to visualize their research.

Posted 02 July 2024

Global legal intelligence innovator vLex added litigation and transactional GenAI tools for analysis and summarisation of legal documents.

Posted 07 May 2024

New OCLC Leaders Council to be phased in over the next year

Posted 02 April 2024

The new division is designed to enhance professional development and educational skills for businesses, organizations and individuals

Posted 07 November 2023

Acquisition will accelerate the adoption of Patron Point Software as the go-to marketing automation platform for libraries

Posted 05 September 2023

All three awards are open to individuals or groups from anywhere in the world. Nominations for all three 2023 awards must reach UKeiG by 6 pm GMT on Friday 29 September 2023.

Posted 01 August 2023

Oakley Capital and Bain Capital Credit are investing in the combined business

Posted 02 May 2023

IFLA, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, have published the latest update of the IFLA Trend Report, co-authored by the emerging leaders who attended IFLA's 2022 World Library and Information Congress.

Posted 07 February 2023

Dataminr, a real-time information discovery platform, acquired WatchKeeper, a data geo-visualisation platform for corporate enterprises.

Posted 03 August 2021

Katie Birkwood describes the transcribathon that the Royal College of Physicians archives team took part in, organised to make ancient texts readable both to modern eyes and for digitisation purposes. However, some of the advice in the 17th century books should probably be disregarded, such as bramble leaves and white ginger to ward off the plague and a shovelful of bees to treat hair loss.

Posted 06 April 2021

Suite of solutions designed to improve patient-centered outcomes, increase patient engagement and support value-based care 

Posted 05 January 2021

Readers in 39 countries across North Africa and the Middle East will have a new affordable option for accessing the latest research, following a new partnership between leading academic publisher Taylor & Francis Group and the information services experts at Knowledge E.

Posted 01 December 2020

Law firms around the world can now expand their legal research by uploading their own documents to vLex Cloud and combine their knowledge with vLex's global collection of legal information to create a research resource personalised to the needs of the firm and their clients.

Posted 03 November 2020

Covid-19 caused libraries worldwide to close their doors. Seema Rampersad, chair of SLA's Task Force on Reopening Specialized Libraries, reports on their findings, including an event on how library professionals are coping in the pandemic and a coronavirus hub for relevant content.

Posted 03 November 2020

The global COVID-19 pandemic has upended our lives, both personal and professional. It has also introduced a new word into our vocabulary: Infodemic. Inoculating yourself, your library users, and your community against the Infodemic should be a vital skill for librarians worldwide.

Posted 04 August 2020

The revised Business Research Competencies is now available.

Posted 03 July 2020

This year over 50 submissions from around the world were received.

Posted 19 March 2020

DPC aims to support and enable institutions at all stages of maturity in the digital preservation journey.

Posted 19 March 2020

A shortlist of eight titles for each of the Medals has been revealed.

Posted 19 March 2020

Over 50 publishers are participating in the initiative to allow unlimited numbers of users access to ebooks. The list is expected to grow.

Posted 17 March 2020

Move will help strengthen Taylor & Francis' capabilities in open access and open research and will extend its range of innovative publishing services.

Posted 13 January 2020

Report highlights the distorting effect of hyper-authored articles on citation and impact analysis.

Posted 10 December 2019

Beta version of resource for six cultural and heritage organisations announced.

Posted 27 November 2019
