Special Libraries

Information Today publishes a range of journals, newsletters, books and blogs in the information space, including a wealth of online content. Here we bring you some recent highlights.

Posted 27 June 2011

At the the debut of a new information community conference in Berlin the conversations covered linked data, social media and research in corporate environments.

Posted 27 May 2011

The Perfect Information Conference 2011 themes of Change, Adapt, Capitalise generated debate and reflection. Emma King reports.

Posted 23 May 2011

Jon Beaumont is an enthusiastic convert to open plan working. It helps keep him and his team at the heart of the business.

Posted 17 March 2011

Perfect Information's conversations with professionals highlight the challenges of fulfilling increased customer expectations with diminishing resources.

Posted 18 February 2011

Information professionals have vital skills when it comes to successful IT procurement and implementation, says Jon Beaumont.The trick is to make sure we are heard!

Posted 31 January 2011

2010 was a 'miserable' year for the legal sector. Jon Beaumont, Head of KM at law firm Harvey Ingram looks forward to the new year.

Posted 07 January 2011

What lessons can be learnt from great intranets and what are the key noteworthy trends?

Posted 06 January 2011

The transformed British Medical Association's Library is now a key benefit of membership

Posted 06 January 2011

A survey on the use of social media in over 1200 libraries from across Europe reveals that 62% of respondents have 'positive' or 'very positive' views on social media

Posted 01 December 2010

Hazel Hall, Phil Bradley, Ulla de Stricker and Bonnie Cheuk explore new approaches to knowledge sharing for organisations

Posted 01 December 2010

The social web offers great opportunities for organisations to engage with customers, partners and its workforce but is not without its challenges

Posted 01 December 2010

Publishers and information professionals gather to discuss what next for the 'online revolution'

Posted 05 November 2010

For the first year, Kroll reports that information and data theft is the most commonly reported fraud, overtaking the theft of physical assets or stock.

Posted 01 November 2010

The use of Facebook for and by business is increasing. How can Facebook help us connect with our users?

Posted 28 October 2010

We should encourage our users to participate and not just consume our services

Posted 15 October 2010
