Special Libraries

Several surveys highlight the gap between employee expectations and the reality resulting in them creating their own 'Shadow IT' services.

Posted 26 October 2014

New report analyses how business leaders make decisions.

Posted 11 September 2014

Broadband and mobile company Iliad wants to 'disrupt' more markets.

Posted 01 August 2014

Symantec declares 2013 a year of mega-breaches and targeted attacks.

Posted 29 July 2014

How much time is wasted at work being non-productive - and what can be done to improve the situation?

Posted 17 July 2014

What makes the women-led recruitment specialists Futureheads an award-winning 'great place to work'?

Posted 03 June 2014

Winners demonstrate importance of responsive design and shorter timeframes in the design successful intranets.

Posted 17 January 2014

Practical methodology focuses on quick wins, user feedback, and frequent iteration to deal with enterprise search challenges

Posted 13 December 2013

Lisa Sabbage on how she uses floorwalking to help fee-earners improve their research skills.

Posted 13 July 2013

Personal devices and cloud services mean organisations are losing control of their content.

Posted 26 June 2013

The Australian Library and Information Association has begun a 'conversation' about the future role of libraries in 2025.

Posted 03 May 2013

By revisiting past events organised by the networking group NetIKX, it is possible to map the development of KM thinking.

Posted 22 March 2013

Five European companies appear in the top 10 best intranets of the year. The average size of intranet teams is increasing, and 70% of this year's winning intranets use Microsoft SharePoint - but with customisation.

Posted 08 February 2013

Knowledge Management initiatives are helping drive innovation and growth in a membership organisation.

Posted 30 November 2012

David Lankes believes librarians should ask fundamental questions about the key purpose of libraries and their role in communities.

Posted 02 November 2012

Ongoing survey indicates clear need for effective enterprise search strategies.

Posted 13 April 2012

New corporate content platform provides customised access to 5.6 million research documents.

Posted 30 March 2012

Call for participants in research study to discover the impact of social media on enhancing knowledge management.

Posted 03 November 2011

In a large, distributed organisation like KPMG, knowledge is business critical.

Posted 27 October 2011

Open source project started by Dutch government employees wins Management 2.0 M-Prize by highlighting benefits of web 2.0.

Posted 30 September 2011

Effective business intelligence can help leaders make performance enhancing decisions. Viet-Hai Phung reviews a report that describes a 'new frontier' for information and knowledge management.

Posted 21 July 2011

As organisations become increasingly concerned about information security, information professionals must ensure they understand the key issues. Robin Smith reviews a book that could help.

Posted 06 July 2011

Information Today publishes a range of journals, newsletters, books and blogs in the information space, including a wealth of online content. Here we bring you some recent highlights.

Posted 27 June 2011

At the the debut of a new information community conference in Berlin the conversations covered linked data, social media and research in corporate environments.

Posted 27 May 2011

The Perfect Information Conference 2011 themes of Change, Adapt, Capitalise generated debate and reflection. Emma King reports.

Posted 23 May 2011
