Search Tools

Blogger fined a total of €2,500 in damages and costs.

Posted 17 July 2014

Enhanced version of research information management system Pure.

Posted 18 June 2014

Plans to open Google Campus Warsaw.

Posted 05 June 2014

Individuals can apply to have documents removed from the search engine's index.

Posted 30 May 2014

Experts reveal top priorities for organisations wanting to make the most of their information assets with enterprise search and corporate intranets.

Posted 26 May 2014

Surprise ruling has widespread implications for search engines and social media.

Posted 20 May 2014

Dawn Downes shares tips she learnt from Karen Blakeman that have helped her - and her colleagues.

Posted 07 May 2014

New app Swarm to help users share status and locate friends.

Posted 02 May 2014

Andy Tattersall identifies five ways in which Google could increase its uptake in academia.

Posted 30 April 2014

Pinterest aims to improve discovery.

Posted 25 April 2014

The second part of our Q&A with experts in search, information architecture, intranets, content management and usability.

Posted 03 April 2014

We asked experts in search, information architecture, intranets, content management and usability for their views on the key challenges facing organisations seeking to deploy search solutions.

Posted 03 April 2014

Find out more about speakers and sessions developed to help you understand how your users search, and how to respond by building and implementing an effective search strategy in your organisation.

Posted 03 April 2014

Martin White explains that search has moved up the priority list for organisations

Posted 03 April 2014

US figures predict decline in desktop search ad revenue.

Posted 17 March 2014

Russian search engine seeking to grow its market share on smartphones.

Posted 20 February 2014

Phil Bradley reviews Europeana's new resource released to coincide with the centenary of the outbreak of WW1.

Posted 14 February 2014

The discoverability of scholarly content is critically important in making high quality research findable and accessible.

Posted 03 February 2014

Acquisition estimated at $400 million.

Posted 28 January 2014

Winners demonstrate importance of responsive design and shorter timeframes in the design successful intranets.

Posted 17 January 2014

Practical methodology focuses on quick wins, user feedback, and frequent iteration to deal with enterprise search challenges

Posted 13 December 2013

Widespread adoption of authentication standards makes spamming more difficult.

Posted 08 December 2013

Video sharing app broadens international reach.

Posted 22 November 2013

What can search statistics tell us about user behaviour? Librarians at the University of Tromsø, Norway analysed over 20,000 searches to find answers.

Posted 14 November 2013

Potential new role at Google if firm settles EC antitrust case.

Posted 07 November 2013
