Professional Development

The key theme of this year's forum will be how artificial intelligence is shaping the education landscape, and the wider issue of strategic responses to the challenges and opportunities it has presented to the library, information and knowledge community.

Posted 04 July 2024

The long-running Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp returns on 19 June 2024 with three fabulous sessions and five outstanding speakers.

Posted 04 June 2024

Technology from Sage has released its third Librarian Futures report exploring the current librarian skills landscape and identifying areas for further development.

Posted 05 December 2023

This half day Zoom event focusses on Airtable, recruitment, product & semantic taxonomies and more

Posted 06 June 2023

Join taxonomy experts for a half-day virtual boot camp covering the basics of taxonomy creation on 26 April 2023.

Posted 04 April 2023

The American Psychological Association (APA) and edX, a leading global online learning platform from 2U, Inc., announced APA as the newest member of the global edX partner network and the launch of its first Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

Posted 03 January 2023

The UK electronic information Group (UKeiG) is delighted to announce its online CPD course programme for the first quarter of 2023.

Posted 14 December 2022

In the opinion of Denise Carter, Managing Director of DCision Consult and a long-time information professional, the answer is yes, librarians should be interested in KM, but they should consider why and when, plus what value that interest could deliver for them.

Posted 06 December 2022

At the 2022 ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) biennial conference, held in Berlin, information researchers from around the world gathered to share their research about information seeking behaviours. If that all sounds very academic and scholarly, it mainly was. But that doesn't mean practicing librarians couldn't come away with a few nuggets they could use.

Posted 01 November 2022

The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine lets you see what websites used to look like but it can only do that if volunteers actively save those sites and pages. Gary Price explains how to do that.

Posted 04 October 2022

Virtual Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp takes place on Wednesday 12 October 2022.

Posted 04 October 2022

While we wait for the opportunity to host an in-person Internet Librarian International conference, we decided to go ahead with another Bite-sized one. On 11 May 2022, we'll have a half day virtual event, featuring librarians from the United States, Germany, and Mexico covering library technology, preserving videos, and information literacy topics.

Posted 03 May 2022

Infographics give an added dimension to textual information, as taxonomist and trainer Joyce van Aalten explains. Visuals provide powerful elements to get your message across--and they are not that hard to create.

Posted 01 February 2022

Following the success of the 2021 virtual series, Information Today Europe has set dates for three half-day events in 2022 and issued a Call for Speakers.

Posted 07 December 2021

The features are designed to help conference organizers around the globe provide advanced audience engagement, combat digital fatigue, and improve the marketability of their event.

Posted 07 December 2021

Pippi Longstocking, the children's hero in the Astrid Lindgren books, was never afraid to try out new things. You could even say that she was always looking for new challenges, not afraid to take some risks and brave enough to wander out in a new world. How we loved to read about her adventures. Didn't we all want to be like Pippi, while we probably were more like her careful and responsible friends Tommy and Annika? We should adopt the mantra of: "I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that."

Posted 02 November 2021

Save the dates! Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp is back with another virtual session on 10 November 2021.

Posted 05 October 2021

Smart academic seminar platform creates an accelerated and early route to communicating scholarly research

Posted 07 September 2021

One of Internet Librarian International's most popular speakers, Ned Potter, looks at the different types of videos that librarians can create and shares his tips for making library videos. It's not as hard as you might think, as his examples illustrate.

Posted 06 July 2021

Need to brush up your taxonomy skills? Want to learn more about what taxonomists are doing that could help you in your job? Join taxonomy experts for the second Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp on 9 June 2021. It's all virtual; no travel involved.

Posted 01 June 2021

Internet librarians spend much of their working life in the present. However, two presentations at the 2021 NISOPlus conference brought home the importance of both looking back and looking forward. The speakers, one a Ghanaian librarian advocating for Indigenous Knowledge and the other a researcher from Japan investigating a future society enhanced with avatars, stimulated so many thoughts in my mind about the role of libraries, librarians, and our digital future.

Posted 04 May 2021

Need to take a bite out of your taxonomy efforts? Taxonomy Bootcamp London, a sister conference to Internet Librarian International, is hosting a Bite-sized version on 2 March 2021.

Posted 22 January 2021

Google Trends presents excellent opportunities for Internet Librarians to examine differences in terminology and popularity of search topics over time.

Posted 05 January 2021

IFLA's Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL) Section and New Professionals Special Interest Group (NPSIG) announced the winners of their library meme contest. 

Posted 12 December 2020

Instead of an in-person World Library & Information Congress in Rotterdam, IFLA has announced that the August 2021 congress will be entirely virtual.

Posted 22 September 2020
