New Technology from Sage Report Sheds Light on Librarian Perspectives on Current Librarian Skills Landscape

Technology from Sage has released its third Librarian Futures report exploring the current librarian skills landscape and identifying areas for further development.

The report, developed with the input of over 2,000 global academic library professionals, examines the emerging skills required to fulfill a library’s mission and meet the needs of today’s library patrons. The data was analyzed by Skilltype, in which Technology from Sage invested earlier this year. 

Key findings from the report: 

  • Librarians have a great deal of confidence in their ability to serve patrons, but less than half agreed that they feel confident in advancing their career. 
  • Many librarians (37%) feel unprepared to answer patron questions on the use of generative AI in their studies. 
  • Fewer than 20% of librarians feel that their effort to learn new skills is appreciated by students. 
  • 46% of librarians feel that there is not sufficient budget available for upskilling, and 47% don’t feel there is sufficient time. 

Access the full report HERE.