Professional Development

LILAC attracts librarians and information professionals who teach or are interested in information and digital literacies.

Posted 16 April 2012

Now that we are officially in spring, Suzanne Wheatley decides it's time to re-visit key objectives for 2012.

Posted 13 April 2012

The information literacy group of IFLA releases statement about the value of media and information literacy skills and makes recommendations for action.

Posted 04 April 2012

What happens if technology lets you down - could you deliver your presentation in a power cut?!

Posted 22 March 2012

It's not just your skills base, knowledge and experience that are important in the workplace. Suzanne Wheatley speaks up (politely) for good manners and courtesy.

Posted 16 March 2012

PIC 2012 to focus on 'online, offline, local and global' information.

Posted 21 February 2012

Internet Librarian International, the innovation and technology conference, is moving to a new venue this year.

Posted 02 February 2012

Catalogue of print and e-books now available.

Posted 30 January 2012

Online copyright materials expanded to reach more librarians.

Posted 16 January 2012

When it comes to setting achievable objectives, Suzanne Wheatley argues 'balance' is the watchword for 2012.

Posted 06 January 2012

A number of calls for papers for the IFLA Congress, to be held in Finland in 2012, have been announced.

Posted 03 January 2012

Last minute places offered at event focusing on OA and demonstrating value.

Posted 04 November 2011

Some key themes emerged at Internet Librarian International 2011.

Posted 30 October 2011

There's more to a conference than the official programme. Delegates at ILI2011 can look forward to some great networking opportunities.

Posted 14 October 2011

Bethan Ruddock gets nostalgic about conferences past, and looks forward to speaking - and networking - at Internet Librarian International 2011.

Posted 10 October 2011

Information professionals should focus on cultivating - and communicating - clear messages about what they can achieve, says Ulla de Stricker.

Posted 06 October 2011

The '23 Things' learning programme has been adopted by libraries around the world. What has been the real impact of these Learning 2.0 initiatives?

Posted 30 September 2011

How can KIM professionals transform the way in which KIM is perceived in their organisation?

Posted 12 September 2011

Dean Frey, of Red Deer Public Library, is busy organising a TEDx event and looks forward to sharing his experiences at ILI2011.

Posted 07 September 2011

Economic realities mean organisations must change and innovate. Knowledge and information professionals should align themselves with organisational innovation.

Posted 31 August 2011

The New Professionals are using social media to extend their professional influence and raise their profile.

Posted 18 August 2011

Organisational decision makers are at 'cognitive breaking point'. If they are to help, information professionals should be focusing on five key challenges.

Posted 16 August 2011

Even in tough times, there are opportunities for information and knowledge professionals. Organisational decision-makers need help in navigating complex information landscapes.

Posted 05 August 2011

How are knowledge and information management roles and responsibilities changing? The latest research from TFPL reveals new trends in role design and skills requirements.

Posted 22 July 2011

The inaugural Enterprise Search Europe conference takes place in London in October and features insight and expertise from global enterprise search experts.

Posted 08 July 2011
