Featured Articles

Ian Clark paints a picture of an ideal professional body for the library and information world.

Posted 18 July 2013

Lisa Sabbage on how she uses floorwalking to help fee-earners improve their research skills.

Posted 13 July 2013

CILIP votes to move forward with rebranding project; SLA seeks input to gauge interest in possible name change.

Posted 12 July 2013

A defining characteristic of a high performing team is how its members behave before, during and after meetings.

Posted 9 July 2013

Personal devices and cloud services mean organisations are losing control of their content.

Posted 26 June 2013

Karen Marie Øvern shares her thoughts on the organisation of teaching activities.

Posted 26 June 2013

There is very little formal training in peer review offered to early career researchers.

Posted 25 June 2013

Search expert Karen Blakeman on using alternatives to Google to get better search results.

Posted 14 June 2013

School librarian Caroline Fielding reports on her successes using the Toe by Toe reading programme with teenage boys.

Posted 13 June 2013

John Davies discusses the role of records managers in making sense of Big Data - and explores five Big Data myths.

Posted 13 June 2013

Social networks can improve employee productivity although some employers remain unconvinced.

Posted 31 May 2013

Ned Potter on the "very tricky business" of rebranding and how one Library got it right.

Posted 30 May 2013

Elisabeth Goodman on why, and how, we should all aim to get better at everything we do.

Posted 29 May 2013

Survey: enterprise search is critical to business success and is moving up the business agenda. But senior managers need to be sold on its importance.

Posted 17 May 2013

Ian Clark explores how MOOCs could transform higher education and how the role of librarians might change.

Posted 10 May 2013

Caroline Fielding, a school librarian, reviews National Geographic Virtual Library - "a really user friendly resource".

Posted 7 May 2013

A recent research project examines PDA in Swedish academic libraries, with the aim of creating a knowledge base that can be used by other libraries.

Posted 3 May 2013

The Australian Library and Information Association has begun a 'conversation' about the future role of libraries in 2025.

Posted 3 May 2013

Sometimes Google's 'good enough' search results are simply not good enough.

Posted 1 May 2013

Andy Tattersall has championed Mendeley since 2009. He responds to the buy-out news and speaks directly to co-founder Victor Henning.

Posted 17 April 2013

Olivia Greenstreet reports from the annual conference of CILIP's Multimedia Information and Technology Group.

Posted 12 April 2013

Linden Harris of Cengage Learning shares his thoughts on how information providers are working with universities to prepare students for the working world.

Posted 8 April 2013

Nicole Engard reminds us that libraries are already experts in pulling together data from different sources.

Posted 8 April 2013

Ian Clark shares lessons learned at three UK universities on gathering and using student feedback.

Posted 5 April 2013

How much can you learn from attending a conference that has nothing to do with your core business? The answer is - a lot!

Posted 2 April 2013

74% of smartphone owners have interacted with brands through 'out of home advertising'.

Posted 29 March 2013

By revisiting past events organised by the networking group NetIKX, it is possible to map the development of KM thinking.

Posted 22 March 2013

Phil Bradley encourages us to try new ways of presenting, sharing and creating information.

Posted 20 March 2013

Karen Blakeman on what can go wrong when you use Google for serious research - and how to avoid the pitfalls.

Posted 18 March 2013

OCLC's WorldShare Management Services recognise that 'Europe is different'.

Posted 8 March 2013

The Bavarian State Library has developed groundbreaking - and 'bestselling' - apps and augmented reality tools.

Posted 8 March 2013

A new approach to authorship is required to reflect the increasingly complex nature of research.

Posted 28 February 2013

Access to fast, reliable web services can have a positive impact on society and the economy. But the digital divide still exists says Ian Clark.

Posted 20 February 2013

At a university library in Sweden a project to market the library and its digital materials also helped develop the competencies of the library staff.

Posted 19 February 2013

The advantages of etextbooks seem obvious, yet student acceptance is still low. Marydee Ojala explores the latest etextbook trends and initiatives.

Posted 18 February 2013

Five European companies appear in the top 10 best intranets of the year. The average size of intranet teams is increasing, and 70% of this year's winning intranets use Microsoft SharePoint - but with customisation.

Posted 8 February 2013

Can you communicate important messages with clarity and grace - and in 60 seconds or less?! Suzanne Wheatley explores the art of elevator pitching.

Posted 8 February 2013

The MmIT National conference is just around the corner. Olivia Greenstreet introduces this year's key theme.

Posted 5 February 2013

Publishers and public libraries collaborated on six projects to develop new social media channels for readers.

Posted 24 January 2013

If the profession fails to communicate its value, then the march of 'amateurisation' will continue, argues Ian Clark.

Posted 23 January 2013

Phil Bradley recommends we try some new tools - or revisit ones we may previously have rejected.

Posted 18 January 2013

Liz McGettigan is proud of Edinburgh's award winning library and information services.

Posted 16 January 2013

The Association of Research Libraries has published the latest report in its Transforming Research Libraries series.

Posted 9 January 2013

Latest research reveals why, and how frequently, the US public uses public library websites.

Posted 8 January 2013

Gary Green describes how a free web service can help you connect social media and other channels to save time and maximise impact.

Posted 21 December 2012

Did you set yourself objectives for 2012? It's time to audit your skills and achievements.

Posted 14 December 2012

As social media organisations reveal top searches and trends for 2012, we share some of the most read and commented stories published by Information Today Europe.

Posted 13 December 2012

Jane Greenstein explores opportunities available for information professionals in the interactive multimedia industry.

Posted 6 December 2012

A British Red Cross project to roll out new information practices overcame barriers to change.

Posted 30 November 2012

Knowledge Management initiatives are helping drive innovation and growth in a membership organisation.

Posted 30 November 2012
