Featured Articles

Advice on marketing your library resources: get your feet wet, say librarians from Providence College and Bryant University speaking at ILI

Posted 27 October 2011

An up-to-date list of Twitter names for Internet Librarian International 2011 speakers.

Posted 26 October 2011

Marketing is mission critical - especially if your users think Google has all the answers!

Posted 21 October 2011

What are the pros and cons of outsourcing for information professionals?

Posted 20 October 2011

There's more to a conference than the official programme. Delegates at ILI2011 can look forward to some great networking opportunities.

Posted 14 October 2011

New devices, increased device ownership and the increased supply of information are all contributing to the growth of e-books.

Posted 13 October 2011

Bethan Ruddock gets nostalgic about conferences past, and looks forward to speaking - and networking - at Internet Librarian International 2011.

Posted 10 October 2011

Information professionals should focus on cultivating - and communicating - clear messages about what they can achieve, says Ulla de Stricker.

Posted 6 October 2011

Open source project started by Dutch government employees wins Management 2.0 M-Prize by highlighting benefits of web 2.0.

Posted 30 September 2011

The '23 Things' learning programme has been adopted by libraries around the world. What has been the real impact of these Learning 2.0 initiatives?

Posted 30 September 2011

What can be done to increase the visibility of digital materials in a physical library?

Posted 29 September 2011

Information Today publishes a range of journals, blogs, newsletters and books covering all aspects of the information space. Here we bring you some recent highlights.

Posted 28 September 2011

What technology innovations should information professionals be aware of - and preparing for?

Posted 21 September 2011

When it became obvious that the existing Information Literacy teaching programme was not working, Karen Marie Øvern set about making changes.

Posted 16 September 2011

Digital innovation means new opportunities for collaboration in UK public libraries. At ILI 2011 the authors will be discussing emerging models and good practice.

Posted 13 September 2011

How can KIM professionals transform the way in which KIM is perceived in their organisation?

Posted 12 September 2011

Dean Frey, of Red Deer Public Library, is busy organising a TEDx event and looks forward to sharing his experiences at ILI2011.

Posted 7 September 2011

Batgirl - librarian and calendar girl - is doing a great job promoting reading to students at an international school in Amsterdam.

Posted 2 September 2011

The latest statistics on the growth of mobile internet access show significant growth.

Posted 1 September 2011

Phil Bradley looks forward to his presentation at Internet Librarian International 2011. He just can't tell us anything about it yet!

Posted 1 September 2011

Economic realities mean organisations must change and innovate. Knowledge and information professionals should align themselves with organisational innovation.

Posted 31 August 2011

Tech giant offers to pay £7bn for search specialist Autonomy.

Posted 20 August 2011

The New Professionals are using social media to extend their professional influence and raise their profile.

Posted 18 August 2011

Information Today publishes a range of journals, newsletters, books and blogs in the information space, including a wealth of free online content. Here we bring you some recent highlights.

Posted 16 August 2011

Organisational decision makers are at 'cognitive breaking point'. If they are to help, information professionals should be focusing on five key challenges.

Posted 16 August 2011

Privacy and digital regulation issues continue to exercise the UK government - and the public. 'Hackgate' has raised questions about how news organisations source their stories. We take a look at the story so far.

Posted 16 August 2011

The most recent #UKLibChat discussions focused on the challenges - and opportunities - of integrating e-books into library collections.

Posted 5 August 2011

Even in tough times, there are opportunities for information and knowledge professionals. Organisational decision-makers need help in navigating complex information landscapes.

Posted 5 August 2011

The school library can play a critical role in providing support for pupils with dyslexia - and information on dyslexia to other pupils and staff.

Posted 3 August 2011

The European Commission is making changes to data protection laws and warning that organisations need to take data protection seriously.

Posted 29 July 2011

How can information managers apply the concepts of 'lean' management to their work? Steve Bailey reviews a book that sets out to provide practical help.

Posted 28 July 2011

The current state of LIS research, and the benefits of cross-disciplinary research projects, were discussed at the latest DREaM conference.

Posted 22 July 2011

The ALISS summer conference focused on how innovative uses of social media can support academic research - and ensure that services are promoted effectively.

Posted 22 July 2011

How are knowledge and information management roles and responsibilities changing? The latest research from TFPL reveals new trends in role design and skills requirements.

Posted 22 July 2011

Effective business intelligence can help leaders make performance enhancing decisions. Viet-Hai Phung reviews a report that describes a 'new frontier' for information and knowledge management.

Posted 21 July 2011

The first UK Twitter-based libchat generated lively conversations, creative problem solving and lots of ideas.

Posted 8 July 2011

The inaugural Enterprise Search Europe conference takes place in London in October and features insight and expertise from global enterprise search experts.

Posted 8 July 2011

A pre-launch version of Google Plus is being tested and reviewed by a number of industry commentators. What can the rest of us look forward to?

Posted 7 July 2011

As organisations become increasingly concerned about information security, information professionals must ensure they understand the key issues. Robin Smith reviews a book that could help.

Posted 6 July 2011

Is it possible for a management handbook to be a real page turner? Jacky Berry finds out.

Posted 1 July 2011

Information Today publishes a range of journals, newsletters, books and blogs in the information space, including a wealth of online content. Here we bring you some recent highlights.

Posted 27 June 2011

The increased speed and ease of information capture and transmission is contributing to the number of privacy related news stories.

Posted 24 June 2011

In hard financial times, it's important to find CPD opportunities which can have a real impact says Jon Beaumont.

Posted 24 June 2011

Building a network of supportive colleagues beyond the workplace is a great way to learn and develop as a professional.

Posted 24 June 2011

Developments in digital publishing and the continued growth in popularity of e-devices are keeping publishers on their toes.

Posted 23 June 2011

30 'hackers' create apps and mashups to help make Europeana's cultural collections open and accessible to all.

Posted 12 June 2011

When we last heard from our anonymous correspondent, she was about to be made redundant from a government KM role. She has now been offered a new job in the private sector. Here she explains why you should be prepared to take advantage of social networking tools - and your trusted contacts.

Posted 10 June 2011

The Hargreaves Report recommends streamlining and simplifying the UK's copyright and licensing processes. But is there a political appetite to bring about change?

Posted 8 June 2011

Recent stories in the UK, including 'super injunctions' and alleged phone-tapping, raise questions about the news media and privacy legislation. Is a whole new world of 'hidden' information opening up?

Posted 7 June 2011

Frustrated by the lack of opportunities in public libraries, Caroline Fielding became a school librarian. Here she explains why it was the best decision she could have made.

Posted 27 May 2011
