Featured Articles

At the the debut of a new information community conference in Berlin the conversations covered linked data, social media and research in corporate environments.

Posted 27 May 2011

The Perfect Information Conference 2011 themes of Change, Adapt, Capitalise generated debate and reflection. Emma King reports.

Posted 23 May 2011

Does the fear of returning to hundreds of unread emails drive you to work on the beach? Ian Wooler shares 5 tips for a happy email free holiday.

Posted 18 May 2011

Information Today publishes a range of journals, newsletters, books and blogs in the information space, including a wealth of online content. Here we bring you some recent highlights.

Posted 12 May 2011

The London Libraries Consortium is the UK's largest public libraries consortium. Its Digital Reference Resources Workstream is delivering increased usage and real savings.

Posted 12 May 2011

A survey conducted by the Gallup Organization examines the opinions of internet users in 27 EU member states on the use of different languages on the web.

Posted 11 May 2011

The announcement this week that US public libraries will soon be making Kindle loans has got the profession talking.

Posted 29 April 2011

The European Services Directive aims to enable cross-border trade in services. And information professionals can help, says Sue Brown.

Posted 28 April 2011

We all want to share our skills and knowledge. But how many of us have actually been trained to train others effectively?

Posted 21 April 2011

'Open, social, linked' content and the future of library collections discussed at UKSG's Harrogate event.

Posted 15 April 2011

Open and linked data are critical to delivering the UK government's vision of a Big Society.

Posted 15 April 2011

Information Today publishes a range of journals, newsletters, books and blogs in the information space, including a wealth of online content. Here we bring you recent highlights that you may have missed first time round.

Posted 14 April 2011

Informed bewilderment, destructive creativity, filter failure and discovery deficit are some of the buzzwords emerging from day one of UKSG 2011.

Posted 4 April 2011

A panel of social media marketing experts at Social Media Forum Europe debate how organisations can build engagement and increase customer value.

Posted 31 March 2011

Can having more fun at work improve our effectiveness? Åke Nygren explores tools and apps that could put the play into work.

Posted 28 March 2011

Jon Beaumont is an enthusiastic convert to open plan working. It helps keep him and his team at the heart of the business.

Posted 17 March 2011

Information Today publishes a range of journals, newsletters, books and blogs in the information space, including a wealth of online content. Here we bring you recent highlights that you may have missed first time round.

Posted 16 March 2011

A great reference interview can help you get exactly the right information to your clients. Sara Batts shares some hints and techniques.

Posted 11 March 2011

Is there an optimum design for an Intellectual Property framework? An independent review in the UK seeks to find the answer.

Posted 3 March 2011

Networking and learning intersect at the Huddersfield Librarian TeachMeet.

Posted 2 March 2011

Users in the UK and the Netherlands spend the most time online; Austrians the least. The Digital Year in Review 2010 examines European trends in internet usage.

Posted 26 February 2011

As the debate around volunteer 'librarians' and library closures rages in the UK, in Finland the state recognises the value of libraries - and professional librarians.

Posted 25 February 2011

Tablets will be the fastest growing mobile device in history, according to Morgan Stanley.

Posted 21 February 2011

Perfect Information's conversations with professionals highlight the challenges of fulfilling increased customer expectations with diminishing resources.

Posted 18 February 2011

Our anonymous correspondent has been both the recipient and giver of bad news at work recently. Here she considers how best to share bad news.

Posted 18 February 2011

Information skills can contribute so much to organisations. The trick is to get them noticed, says Jon Beaumont.

Posted 17 February 2011

Sara Batts considers how SLA's 2011 theme of 'Future Ready' can be translated to every day practical activities.

Posted 14 February 2011

Åke Nygren reports back from what must be, quite literally, the coolest library conference in Europe. Collaboration and innovation were key themes at the Helsinki Midwinter Darkness Camp.

Posted 4 February 2011

Information Today also publishes a range of journals, newsletters, books and blogs in the information space, including a wealth of online content. In this article, we bring you recent highlights that you may have missed first time round.

Posted 4 February 2011

How do you cope with uncertainty in the workplace? Our anonymous correspondent has a Government-based KM role. Her post is scheduled to be made redundant - on a date as yet unknown.

Posted 2 February 2011

Information professionals have vital skills when it comes to successful IT procurement and implementation, says Jon Beaumont.The trick is to make sure we are heard!

Posted 31 January 2011

Research reveals that European countries lag behind the US in mass-market acceptance of eBooks and eReaders, but the market is picking up speed.

Posted 21 January 2011

The high profile debate around the activities of Wikileaks has raised serious questions about governments and the internet itself.

Posted 21 January 2011

We are now living in a 'perpetual beta' world. We must be willing to experiment - and fail - if we are to get the most out of social media tools.

Posted 20 January 2011

The information industry will focus on 'mobile' and 'social' in 2011.

Posted 18 January 2011

2010 was a 'miserable' year for the legal sector. Jon Beaumont, Head of KM at law firm Harvey Ingram looks forward to the new year.

Posted 7 January 2011

Sara Batts recommends incremental and measured change for 2011

Posted 7 January 2011

What lessons can be learnt from great intranets and what are the key noteworthy trends?

Posted 6 January 2011

The transformed British Medical Association's Library is now a key benefit of membership

Posted 6 January 2011

Sara Batts, our guest contributor, stresses the importance of reflection

Posted 17 December 2010

Can ‘science 2.0' - the adoption of social media by the science community - be deemed a success? Info pros consider the issues.

Posted 16 December 2010

What does 2011 hold for the development of search tools?

Posted 15 December 2010

The Google eBookstore has been officially launched in the US, and is set to be rolled out to Europe in March 2011.

Posted 14 December 2010

Due to its end of year scheduling, 'Online' presents opportunities to 'pause and reflect' and to consider where future trends are leading us.

Posted 8 December 2010

If we don't understand how users are looking for and using information, how can we hope to meet user expectations?

Posted 6 December 2010

What are the challenges of creating content for a mobile environment?

Posted 2 December 2010

A survey on the use of social media in over 1200 libraries from across Europe reveals that 62% of respondents have 'positive' or 'very positive' views on social media

Posted 1 December 2010

Search experts share tips, tricks and techniques

Posted 1 December 2010

Hazel Hall, Phil Bradley, Ulla de Stricker and Bonnie Cheuk explore new approaches to knowledge sharing for organisations

Posted 1 December 2010

The social web offers great opportunities for organisations to engage with customers, partners and its workforce but is not without its challenges

Posted 1 December 2010
