Information Today Europe eNews

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Featured Articles

Melanie Holst describes 'A Million Stories'. The library-led intercultural storytelling project is the largest curated collection of unfiltered personal accounts from refugees in Europe.

Bryony Ramsden, of the UXLibs conference team, reflects on how inclusivity became an unexpected but critical theme of the 2018 conference.

Featured News

Open network will be published on Digital Commons and aims to raise visibility and improve discoverability.

First Spanish-language audiobooks announced.

Third fine in three years may lead to changes in search.

Internet Archive plans to cache content.

Human computer interaction, machine learning and machine perception are topics receiving most funding.

The award is open to new professionals from the library and publishing communities.

ILI365 Blog

The Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) has released a statement describing the ways in which librarians help advance global scholarship.

Press Releases

Foreign Affairs magazine launches with Exact Editions

Foreign Affairs, a leading forum for discussion of American foreign policy and global affairs, publishes digital archive.