Academic Libraries

BL's On Demand service offered to institutions in least developed countries.

Posted 03 November 2017

A report commissioned by four university presses (Cornell University Press, UCL Press, University of California Press and University of Michigan Press) explores the usage of OA books via the JSTOR Platform.

Posted 02 November 2017

Manchester in the UK has been awarded City of Literature status.

Posted 02 November 2017

Helen Lane and her colleagues created an Augmented Reality game to engage new starters at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York.

Posted 02 November 2017

The goal of the research is to develop a bespoke tool for librarians and related professionals that would allow them to interlink Linked Data sets.

Posted 26 October 2017

Internet Librarian International 2017 in review

Posted 23 October 2017

A Storify of Tweets using the #ILI2017 hashtag on Day 2 of Internet Librarian International.

Posted 20 October 2017

A Storify of Tweets using the #ILI2017 hashtag on Day 1 of Internet Librarian International.

Posted 19 October 2017

UKeiG has announced that the UKeiG Jason Farradane Award winner for 2017 is Christopher Gutteridge, Systems, Information and Web programmer at the University of Southampton.

Posted 12 October 2017

The challenge of managing digital life cycles will be ongoing and a focus on built-in discovery is crucial.

Posted 10 October 2017

How well can libraries demonstrate their impact on student learning and success?

Posted 05 October 2017

EBSCO publishes its Serials Price Projection Report for 2018

Posted 05 October 2017

Emerald Reach aims to deliver high quality open access content.

Posted 05 October 2017

International coalition calls on EU to halt harmful copyright reform; RSC and Publons partner to recognise peer reviewers; De Gruyter launches science news site.

Posted 25 September 2017

ScienceOpen to host UCL's open access journal programme.

Posted 23 September 2017

The site, used by researchers to swap papers, is accused of copyright infringement.

Posted 22 September 2017

When it comes to metrics, an analysis of tweets suggests that 77% of tweets referencing academic articles are mechanical in nature.

Posted 07 September 2017

Scholarly publisher De Gruyter plans to digitise its backlist dating back to 1749.

Posted 07 September 2017

Internet Librarian International 2017 devotes a full-day track to understanding how libraries are working with users to redesign services, spaces and to understand usage.

Posted 06 September 2017

Aaron Tay reflects on what has changed in academic librarianship, shares some important lessons and highlights the importance of future-proofing professional skills.

Posted 04 September 2017

This year's Internet Librarian International celebrates the superhuman impact librarians have on organisations, communities and individuals.

Posted 17 August 2017

The role of the librarian in fostering critical thinking in every field of learning has grown in importance. Terence Huwe recommends three strategies for librarians who want to nurture effective research and critical analysis.

Posted 15 August 2017

Thomson Reuters launches startup incubator focusing on big data; publisher pilot for managing and tracking author sharing via scholarly collaboration networks; peer review process to be investigated; BBC Monitoring joins OpenAthens; winner of IFLA Green Library Award.

Posted 25 July 2017

A new Oxford University Press report explores the role of reference resources in research and teaching in academic institutions.

Posted 06 July 2017

A new study explores how scholarly publishing can evolve to ensure it is sustainable.

Posted 05 July 2017
