Information Today Europe eNews

Tuesday, 02 January 2024

Featured Articles

The world is now embroiled in intense discussions about ChatGPT. Canadian librarian Bill Badke adds his comments, from a library, information literacy and educator perspective. He looks at unproductive approaches to students' use of AI tools, worries about the future of research projects in academia and notes how AI-generated text could benefit international students.

Featured News

Sage Policy Profiles, which is free to use, demonstrates the influence of research on global policymaking through a discovery process. Results can be viewed and exported in several visual formats and shared.

December was a busy month for Taylor & Francis. On 4 December, it announced it was adding publisher Future Science Group to its portfolio and on 15 December that it would offer streamlined access to cited articles by integrating with GetFTR (Get Full Text Research).

Enhanced Publications integrates multimedia assets with select journals, augmenting the learning experience

This latest strategic collaboration with Dimensions—it already has an integration with EndNote—increases the discoverability of research seminars and further connects them to the scholarly ecosystem.