Information Today Europe eNews

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Featured Articles

Access to fast, reliable web services can have a positive impact on society and the economy. But the digital divide still exists says Ian Clark.

The advantages of etextbooks seem obvious, yet student acceptance is still low. Marydee Ojala explores the latest etextbook trends and initiatives.

At a university library in Sweden a project to market the library and its digital materials also helped develop the competencies of the library staff.

Featured News

Research suggests that faster speeds equals more time spent online.

Search engine rankings reveal growth of Russian search engine.

Media company becomes involved in European 'hotspot' for startups.

Music streaming service reaches Italy, Poland and Portugal.

PayPal is set to launch its 'Here' mobile payment service in Europe.

Press Releases

SAGE to address library value in the developing world

SAGE is conducting a research study to investigate library value in the developing world.

Serials Solutions’ Summon Service Receives Most Innovative Technology of the Year Award

Serials Solutions' Summon® discovery service was awarded the Most Innovative Technology of the Year at the Asia Digital Publishing Summit and Awards