OPERAS, the research infrastructure for open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities, will serve as the fiscal host of the European Diamond Capacity Hub | EDCH.
Diamond OA is an equitable model of scholarly publication that charges no fees to authors or readers and in which the content-related elements of publication are owned and controlled by the scholarly communities. The EDCH will support this model by providing six essential services to publishing service providers, and technology providers:
- Registry & Forum: virtual spaces dedicated to fostering collaboration and networking among Diamond Open Access Community Members. They provide a place where services, tools and technologies can be presented and discussed.
- DOAS and its self-assessment tools: instruments that help foster quality assurance in Diamond Open Access publishing.
- The Diamond Discovery Hub (DDH): an authoritative list of Diamond Open Access journals in Europe, helping these journals increase their visibility in the academic community and beyond.
- Resources & Guidelines: a set of resources supporting publishers moving towards Diamond OA.
- The Training Platform: a service dedicated to helping Diamond Publishing Service and Diamond Tools & Technology Providers enhance their skills and build capacity.
- Publishing Tools: software tools, add-ons and other technical developments to improve technical efficiency at the level of publishing workflows and platforms.
The full recording of the public part of the EDCH launch is available on YouTube.
More information about EDCH is here .