Public Policy

On National Libraries Day libraries and their supporters ran events, activities and protests in support of all types of libraries. Gary Green took to public transport to celebrate National Libraries Day in his own way.

Posted 09 February 2015

The second international EuropeanaTech conference is being held in Paris on 12-13 February 2015.

Posted 29 January 2015

European Parliament publishes report on potential impact of key technologies.

Posted 29 January 2015

The five universities that will lead the Alan Turing Institute have been announced.

Posted 28 January 2015

Economic predictions suggest a slow-down in growth - employers need to invest in productivity.

Posted 16 January 2015

British Library unveils key strategic priorities as it looks forward to celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2023.

Posted 16 January 2015

Improvements scheduled to be completed by 2020.

Posted 09 December 2014

In the UK there are calls for greater transparency in the collection of user data.

Posted 02 December 2014

The Wellcome Trust joins initiative open to researchers working on global challenges.

Posted 02 December 2014

Is patron driven acquisition (PDA) a tool for efficient information management?

Posted 13 November 2014

A new European Commission report describes the progress towards a European Research Area (ERA).

Posted 26 September 2014

New ruling by European Court of Justice sets out guidelines.

Posted 12 September 2014

Settlement means €10 million will be paid to Dutch actors and musicians.

Posted 10 September 2014

Shared data centre for academic and medical research.

Posted 08 September 2014

City of London Police warning against possible criminality.

Posted 02 September 2014

In the Australian state of Queensland a new model reflects the changed nature of library and information services.

Posted 21 August 2014

Google given 18 months to comply.

Posted 22 July 2014
