The impact of AI

AI will be the main topic of discussion at Group's members' day and AGM.

The UK electronic information Group (UKeiG) is holding a full day event on the impact of articifical intelligence on the information sector.

The programme covers:

The new AI for publishing: hype or game-changer?

How can AI deliver solutions and provide answers to publishing challenges for researchers, students and information professionals? Does AI supplement or replace taxonomies and classification systems? What roles should information professionals take on? 

Is there a role for AI in information resource management?

How can AI improve the performance of information systems and the management of information resources?  

An introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI
NLP is a branch of computer science that deals with the computational analysis of linguistic data and the development of applications that process human language data. This presentation provides an overview of NLP, reviews some of the ways in which it affects our everyday lives and explores practical ways in which we can all engage with this fascinating and rapidly growing subfield of AI.

Tickets are free for UKeiG members; non-members may attend the event for £20. 
The event takes place on Friday 7th June 2019.  

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