SAGE Publishing releases research and academic skills video collection  

Streaming video collection teaches essential research skills and accelerates professional development.

SAGE Publishing has launched a collection of streaming videos hosted on the SAGE Research Methods (SRM) platform, Practical Research and Academic Skills.

The videos teach the foundational skills needed to conduct research at any level and to succeed in academic life.

The collection includes 440 videos and 62 hours of content and was designed to give students and researchers the basic instruction and the confidence needed to successfully complete research projects and the skills to accelerate their professional development. Topics covered in the videos include:

  • Applied research
  • Building networks
  • Computer applications
  • Presenting at conferences
  • Project Management
  • Research Careers
  • Securing ethical approval
  • Writing a research proposal
  • Writing for publication

For more information about the collection, and to watch a preview of the videos it includes, check out the Practical Research and Academic Skills information page.