Google - Year in Search

Google has published its 2016 Year in Search lists.

What has the world been searching for over the last 12 months?  The list includes the usual mixture of news, politics, showbiz, tragedy and trivia.

The top global searches include:

  • Pokemon Go
  • Donald Trump
  • US election
  • iPhone 7
  • Rio Olympics

You can also delve into countries and topics.

In the UK, the top news stories are fairly predictable (Brexit; US election; Brussels attack) but could you have predicted the third most popular How to cook question would be "How to make mashed potatoes"? 

You can also view 'breakout' searches.  Whereas China's breakout searches were both tech-related (Deep learning/ Machine learning), in Switzerland people wanted to know more about Street food and Beach volleyball! Tanzania wanted to know more about Celine Dion but the breakout searches in Nigeria were Corruption and Empowerment.

You can view the trending search topics and watch Google's video here.