Exploring data in Europe – a free workshop

The event organised by CESSDA ERIC, explores the potential of research data available in Europe.

The programme features a practical session on finding and accessing quality data in Europe and expert presentations on research, data and methods.  Experts on nationalism, political attitudes and migration will provide researcher perspectives on the data in their areas of interest. The presentations will concentrate on data for comparative research and challenges in secondary data analysis.

The workshop is targeted towards students, early career and PhD researchers but is open to anyone interested in the themes.

The CESSDA-ERIC is offering six bursaries of up to €800 per person towards the travel and accommodation cost of attending this workshop.

For more information on the workshop, and the bursary opportunities, see the website http://archiv.soc.cas.cz/en/Workshop_Exploring_data .

CESSDA stands for Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives and ERIC stands for European Research Infrastructure Consortium. CESSDA provides large-scale, integrated and sustainable data services to the social sciences. It brings together social science data archives across Europe, with the aim of promoting the results of social science research and supporting national and international research and cooperation.