Clarivate Announces Partnership with AI21 Labs

Embedding generative AI will enable new possibilities for academic conversational discovery

Clarivate Plc announced a strategic partnership with AI21 Labs, a pioneer in generative artificial intelligence (AI). The collaboration will integrate large language models (LLMs) from AI21 Labs, trained on Clarivate’s billions of trusted, curated, articles, books, documents and propriety data points, into Clarivate platforms. The idea is that this will enable intuitive academic conversational search and discovery, specifically designed to foster researcher excellence and drive success for researchers and students, while adhering to core academic principles and values. It will provide rapid access to detailed and contextual information and answers along with more personalized services, such as relevant recommendations, avoiding the troublesome hallucinations currently surfaced by LLMs trained on sources gleaned from the open web.

AI21 Labs’ was also recently added to Amazon’s Bedrock platform, which allows a access to, customization of and integration with AI21 Labs’ Jurassic-2 foundation models into the AWS environments. This extends the agreement with Amazon, following its integration of AI21 Labs’ models within Amazon’s SageMaker platform.

View the full press release here