Twitter use trends in the US

The latest report from the Pew Internet Project looks at the patterns of Twitter use in the US.Pew introduced a standalone Twitter question in November 2010 and the latest figures show that 15% of online adults are now Twitter users.  8% of them are using Twitter on a typical day (a figure which has quadrupled since late 2010).Other key findings:Smartphone users are particularly likely to be using Twitter

  • 20% of smartphone owners use Twitter
  • This may help explain the recent growth in Twitter use among young adults, who have largest increase in smartphone ownership
Some demographic groups stand out among their peers as having higher Twitter usage rates.
  • These include young adults, African Americans and urban and suburban residents
Twitter use on a typical day decreases with the respondents' age
  • 20% of young adults (18-24) are Twitter users on a typical day
  • 11% of those aged 25-34 use Twitter
  • Only 1% of those aged over 65 are regular Twitter users.