Journal Citation Reports 2019 - update released

The Web of Science Group (part of Clarivate Analytics) has released an updated and enhanced version of Journal Citations Reports.

Journal citations represent meaningful connections between research. Journal Citation Reports aggregates these connections and provides publisher-independent data, metrics and analysis of high impact journals included in Web of Science.

Structured data are curated by global experts. Expert insights enable users to explore the key drivers of a journal’s value. The data is invaluable for librarians, researchers, research managers, funders and publishers. Librarians use the report to understand which journals are the most important to their institutions and researchers’ success and work, and which journals to subscribe to. For researchers the reports provide a guide to discover and select the most appropriate journals to read and in which to publish their research findings.       

Key changes and developments included in the 2019 update include:

Increased coverage

  • 283 journals have been added; 108 of them are fully open access
  • 11,877 journals from 81 countries are included
  • A total of 2.3 million articles, reviews and other source items are indexed

Categories and structure

  • New areas of research featured include Quantum Science & Technology and Regional & Urban Planning


  • Removal of seventeen titles and ongoing exclusion of predatory journals where there is evidence of excessive self-citation or citation stacking (activities that artificially increase citations, including agreements between journal titles)

For more information see the Journal Citation Reports website.