Information Today Europe eNews

Tuesday, 02 July 2013

Featured Articles

There is very little formal training in peer review offered to early career researchers.

Karen Marie Øvern shares her thoughts on the organisation of teaching activities.

Personal devices and cloud services mean organisations are losing control of their content.

Featured News

Free Open Culture app with 350,000 images.

Failure to comply with privacy guidelines might incur a fine of up to €150,000.

The 2013 ISKO UK conference is focusing on the research - and practice - of knowledge organisation.

People are changing the way they access and read news.

Alleged data protection breaches cited.

Press Releases

Path breaking partnership helps national library preserve thousands of e-journals for future generations

The British Library and Portico work together on e-journal deposit infrastructure.

Springer launches French- and Italian-language eBook collections

Springer addressing the needs of the French and Italian research communities.