Online 2010 - reviews

A week on, the more reflective reviews of the Online Information Conference are starting to appear.  These are fascinating of course, because everyone's journey through a professional development or networking event will be subjective (not to mention their 'real' journeys and struggles to get to the physical event in the snow!).  The differences in experience are even more obvious in a streamed conference.   It's impossible to attend all the sessions and the best you can do at the time is follow on Twitter and speak to attendees in coffee breaks and promise yourself to find a speaker's presentation on SlideShare after the event.Karen Blakeman has linked to her Online presentations on this blogpost.  The LIS Research Coalition (the conference's top tweeter) website reviews the conference and points out the inevitable.  Online 2010 will forever be known as 'The one when it snowed'.  A review of the exhibition and some of the free seminars (written from a small business perspective) is available here.  Tim Buckley Owen for Freepint focuses on social media.   The conference exhibition is also mentioned in the gloriously named Go to Hellman blog, from a publishing/ebook perspective.  Martin Belam blogged several articles about the conference, writing about linked data and putting it in a broader perspective here.Our own review of the conference appears here (well I can't NOT mention it can I?!).