Altmetric - top research articles of 2017

Altmetric has released data on its most discussed research articles of 2017.

These figures do not focus on the quality of the content, but rather the attention the articles have attracted.  Altmetric tracks and measures across a range of sources including news coverage, social media, Wikipedia, YouTube, citations on Scopus/Web of Science, blogs, policy documents, online reference managers such as Mendeley and more.

The data can be searched via topics (biological sciences, information and computer sciences, medical and health sciences etc); journal title; country and organisational authorship as well as the access model of the content (free, OA, paywalled etc).

  • Nature is the journal with the most articles (16) in the list
  • 53% of the papers appear in medical journals, or are aimed at a medical audience
  • Three medical journals dominate the list, accounting for 22 or the top 100 articles (The Lancet, the BMJand JAMA)
  • 69 of the top 100 articles have at least one author from a US institution
  • Harvard (11), Cambridge University (7) and University College London (6) are the institutions with the most papers on the list
  • 49% of the articles are free to read (up from 47% last year)
  • 31% of the articles have Open Access licenses

The data can be downloaded here.